Ghyama Arts!

Thanks to generous funding from the City Bridge Foundation, we have been delivering a range of arts workshops with the BPCA for the past four years, in partnership with some fantastic companies and artists including:

  • Spare Tyre Theatre: a leading artist-led participatory theatre company that seeks to reflect society, challenge its prejudices and make life equal.

  • Half Moon Theatre: the UK’s leading small-scale young people’s venue and touring company who give participants the opportunity to enhance their theatre experience both as a participant and audience member.

  • Chocolate Films Workshops: delivering creative empowering digital media workshops to enable participants to discover more about video, animation, photography and other digital media.

  • National Centre for Circus Arts Practitioners (including Dan Rose and Ed Stephen): delivering sessions in juggling, spinning, balancing, hula-hooping and gentle acrobatics.

If you would like to find out more, please contact the Project Coordinator, Lara Flynn (

Below you can watch collection of our sharing’s from over the years:

Ghyama Arts (Awesome Arts!) provides high quality arts activities in theatre, film and circus to increase confidence and independence for disabled adults who attend the day service provision of our friends and tenants: The Bangladeshi Parents and Carers Association (BPCA) in Tower Hamlets and Newham.

Ghyama Arts creates a space for powerful, joyous experiences for everyone involved, including participants and their support workers.

Here are some tesimonials from participants and support workers over the years:

“Sometimes I get bored but when you come for Ghyama it is really fun and challenging!” Hena, Ghyama Arts participant

“Ghyama Arts is lots of fun, I want to do it all the time!” Ghyama Arts participant

When will you [Ghyama Arts] be coming back? We want more” BPCA Support Worker

“We do lots of singing and dancing to Bengali songs, it is very enjoyable.” Ghyama Arts Participant