Wrap a Hug Sling Library East London

A community space for new and expectant parents to find professional support on their parenting journey.

Run by Mel Pinet, certified sling consultant with over 10 years’ experience in offering babywearing and emotional support and her volunteers, the Bethnal Green sling library is in the Canvas at St Margaret’s House on two or three Thursday mornings per month.

Parents can book an appointment to try on and hire slings, learn how to feed in a sling, get help with their own slings, learn new skills, build their confidence and get a good understanding of babywearing safety.

Mel and the team support parents from pregnancy all the way through preschool years, advising on how to best carry premature babies, newborns, big or small babies, twins, toddlers or children with additional needs. All families are welcome.

They stock a wide range of slings and carriers for hire and encourage parents to hire slings over buying to minimise their impact on the environment.

They also run a Mother and Baby Sharing Circle at the Canvas (once a month after the sling library) for new and expectant mothers and birthing parents to share honest conversations about their feelings and experiences of pregnancy, motherhood and matrescence in a supportive environment.

More info here for the Wrap a Hug sling library and the Mother and Baby Sharing Circle.

Where: The Canvas, 27 Old Ford Road, E2 9PJ